49th Virginia Infantry Regiment



(Formerly Company G)

The following regimental and company records and accounts from actual participants in Company B are direct from the following publication:  "History of the Forty-Ninth Virginia Infantry C.S.A ", "Extra Billy Smith's Boys" 1861-1865; Laura Virginia Hale and Stanley S. Phillips  1981


NEW MARKET VOLUNTEERS:   Unless otherwise noted all enlisted by Colonel Asa Witt at New Market, Nelson County, Virginia June 7, 1861 and mustered into service at Charlottesville, Virginia.  Company reorganized April 30, 1862 at Yorktown, Virginia. 

Commissioned Officers:

Captain Henry Nicholas Burnley Wood.  Commissioned Captain June 7, 1861.  Not re-elected at reorganization of Company April 30, 1862.  Enlisted as Private May 16, 1864.  Captured at Cedar Creek.  Paroled from Point Lookout May 25, 1865.

Captain Paul Stratton.  Promoted from 1st Sergeant to Captain April 30, 1862.  Wounded at 1st Fredericksburg.  Wounded and captured at Bethesda Church.  Released from Fort Delaware June 16, 1865.

First Lieutenant Joseph Carrington Cabell, Jr.

First Lieutenant George R. Giles.  Commissioned June 7, 1861.  Not re-elected in reorganization of Company April 30, 1862.  Dropped from Rolls.

Second Lieutenant Mortimer N. Mays.  Promoted to Sergeant December , 1861; to 2nd Lieutenant April 30, 1862.  Wounded September 30, 1864.  Paroled at Appomattox.

First Lieutenant William Marshall Hill.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  Wounded by cannon shot and leg amputated May 11, 1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia.  Retired February 1, 1865.



Non-Commissioned Officers:


Commissary Sergeant Charles I. Johnson. 

First Sergeant William O. Johnson.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  wounded and captured at Gettysburg.  Exchanged fro Fort Delaware February 18, 1865.

Fifth Sergeant William N. Drumheller.  Promoted to 5th Sergeant May 1, 1862.  Wounded at Seven Pines.  Detailed to Quartermaster Department in Richmond, Virginia in June, 1863.  Paroled at Charlottesville, Virginia May 25, 1865.

Sergeant David N. Jasper.  Captured near Gaines Mill May 30, 1864.  Released from Elmira, New York June 14, 1865.

Sergeant William H. Rowzee.  Appears on Register at hospital in Richmond, Virginia June 7, 1864.

Sergeant Charles A. Stratton.  Enlisted July 22, 1861.  Wounded at Gettysburg.  Paroled at Lynchburg, Virginia May 1865.

Sergeant Lewis H. Tafel.  Age 21.  Promoted to Sergeant May 1, 1862.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged August 5, 1862.  Wounded at Gettysburg and captured July 5, 1865.  Paroled February 20, 1865 from Point Lookout.

Sergeant Rufus Fitzgerald.  Wounded at Gettysburg.  Captured at Bethesda Church.  Released from Point Lookout May 17, 1865.

First Corporal John Eubank.  Promoted 1st Corporal May 1, 1862.  Wounded at Second Manassas; died September 2, 1862.

Second Corporal Robert A. Conner.  Enlisted October 30, 1861 at Manassas, Virginia.  Wounded at Seven Pines.  Promoted to 2nd Corporal October 30, 18645.  Wounded at Cedar Creek.

Fourth Corporal L.S. Bryant.  Enlisted in Richmond, Virginia August 1, 1862.  Promoted to 4th Corporal April, 1863.  Wounded and captured at Winchester, Virginia Appears on Registered at U.S. Army Depot Field Hospital, Winchester.  Exchanged prisoner from Baltimore, Maryland hospital October 29, 1864.

Fourth Corporal John J. Closby.  Enlisted as 4th Corporal August 1, 1862 at Richmond, Virginia.  Captured May 30, 1864.

Fourth Corporal David Shephard Garland Cabell.  Enlisted at Clark's Mountain March 29, 1862.  Promoted to 4th Corporal May 1, 1862.  Detailed to Post Office in Richmond, Virginia by order of the Secretary of War.  Paroled at Appomattox.  Born 1825; died 1893.

Corporal William H. Giles.  Accidentally wounded in leg by pistol shot July 1, 1861.  Disability discharge July 24, 1862.

Corporal John Horsley.  Medical discharge December 18, 1862.

Corporal L.T. Nash.  Captured at Fisher's Hill September 22, 1864.  Exchanged from Point Lookout March 17, 1865.

Corporal Harold P. Read.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged from Fort Delaware August 5, 1862.  Age 17.





Agie, J.C.

Bacon, Richard E.  Medical discharge October 13, 1862.

Barry, Charles.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Berkley, William H.  Wounded at Seven Pines.

Bolton, George F.  Enlisted in Richmond, Virginia August 1, 1862.  Wounded at Gettysburg.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Bolton, John J.  Wounded and captured at Sharpsburg.  Lost left arm.  Exchanged by order of General Wool December 8, 1862.  Retired from Invalid Corps P.A.C.S October 17, 1864.

Bolton, William K.  enlisted Clark's Mountain in Orange County, Virginia March 31, 1862.  Appears on Muster Roll December 19, 1864.

Bowman, James M.  Wounded in Wilderness and at Fisher's Hill September, 1864.

Bryant, Houston L.  Enlisted August 15, 1861 at Manassas.  Captured May 30, 1864.

Bryant, James M.  Enlisted near Orange, Virginia September 1, 1863.  Captured in Battle of Winchester.  Exchanged from Point Lookout March 15, 1865.

Bryant, John B.  Captured at Winchester.  Exchanged from Point Lookout, Maryland March 15, 1865.

Bryant, Lafayette.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged from Fort Delaware August 2, 1862.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  Killed in Wilderness.

Bryant, Peter H.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged from Fort Delaware  August 15, 1862.  wounded at Sharpsburg.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Bryant, Powhatan.  Captured at Spotsylvania May 12, 1864.  Exchanged February 27, 1865.  Appears on Register of General Hospital No. 9 in Richmond, Virginia March 3, 1865.

Bryant, William H.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  Captured at Gettysburg; exchanged prisoner from David's Island Hospital, New York Harbor on September 8, 1863.  Wounded in Wilderness.  Appears on Muster Roll October 31, 1864.

Burks, Charles H.  Wounded at Spotsylvania.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Cahill, Patrick.

Carroll, Joseph L.  Wounded at Fredericksburg December 14, 1862.  Captured at Huttonsville, West Virginia by 21st New York Cavalry October 30, 1864.  Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio; died there May 9, 1865.  Grave No 1949, three miles South of Camp.

Curd, William H.  Enlisted August 15, 1861 at Manassas, Virginia.  Died of typhoid fever December 1, 1861 at his home in Nelson County, Virginia.

Curd, James L.  Wounded at Seven Pines.  Detailed in hospital October 1864.  received Certificate of Retirement February 14, 1865.

Dougherty, George E.  Killed at Seven Pines.

Dudley, Nathan J.  Deserted April 14, 1863.  Arrested August 13, 1863; put in Greenbrier County  Jail.

Escue, Lilburn J.  Wounded at Seven Pines.  Detailed to Pioneer Corps August 23, 1862.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Foster, James A.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.

Foy, Robert.  Died at Manassas, Virginia before March, 1863.

Giles, William A.  Enlisted March 31, 1862 at Clark's Mountain, Virginia.  Killed at 1st Fredericksburg.  Buried in the Confederate section of the Spotsylvania Court House Cemetery.

Harris, John A.  Captured near Winchester July 20, 1864; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio; exchanged and sent to City Point, Virginia March 2, 1865.

Herndon, Joseph.  Enlisted at Guinea Station, Virginia February 5, 1862.  Returned from hospital July 14, 1863.

Holder, Charles.  Enlisted August 6, 1862.  Wounded at Gettysburg.  Captured at Spotsylvania.  Exchanged from Point Lookout March 14, 1865.

Holder, John.  Wounded at Seven Pines and at Sharpsburg.  Paroled from Clarksburg, West Virginia May 31, 1865.  Age 23.

Jasper, James H.  Died of typhoid fever near Nelson Station, Virginia September 26, 1861.

Jasper, John R.  Wounded at Seven Pines.  Captured in Battle of Winchester.  Exchanged from Point Lookout March 15, 1865.

Johnson, John J.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  Wounded and captured near Winchester September 19, 1864.  Exchanged from Point Lookout March 15, 1865.

Johnson, Thomas E.  Medical discharge October 2, 1862.

Johnson, William H.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Paroled June 14, 1862 from Fort Monroe.  Killed in Wilderness.

Kidd, John M.  Died in Richmond, Virginia hospital (with fever) April 18, 1862.

Kidd, Preston W.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Wounded and captured at Sharpsburg.  Paroled September 30 and died from his wounds October 1, 1862.

Kidd, William H.  Captured near Winchester July 30, 1863.  Paroled September1, 1863.

Kidd, William J.  Wounded and leg amputated at Sharpsburg.

Lane, Augustus.  Killed at Seven Pines.

Lubrick, James.  Wounded at 2nd Manassas.

Martin, John.  N.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Wounded at Winchester.  Furloughed from Charlottesville, Virginia hospital October, 1864.

Martin, Lloyd D.  Enlisted July 22, 1861.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  Wounded and leg amputated at Winchester.

Martin, Nelson.  Medical discharge October 11, 1863.

Martin, William E.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Died from disease in Berkeley County, Virginia September 12, 1862.

Mathews, John F.  Age 19.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged August 5, 1862 from Fort Delaware.  Captured at Sharpsburg.  Exchanged October 27, 1862.  Furloughed from Charlottesville, Virginia hospital September 22, 1864.

McCormack, Andrew J.  Age 18.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Paroled August 2, 1862.  Wounded at Spotsylvania.  Paroled at Lynchburg, Virginia on April 13, 1865.

McLane, Andrew.  Appears on Muster Roll December 1861 as "sick in camp".

Mitchell, Cleland W.  Age 17.  Wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged August 5, 1862.  Discharged December 6, 1862.

Mitchell, Thomas W.  Enlisted September 17, 1861.  Medical discharge December 29, 1861.

Musselman, William A.  Age 37.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  wounded and captured at Seven Pines.  Exchanged from Fort Delaware August 5, 1862.  Wounded at 1st Fredericksburg.  Left at Gettysburg to take care of wounded; captured and exchanged from Point Lookout March 3, 1864; wounded and captured at Winchester.  Left leg amputated October 25, 1865 at U.S. General Hospital, West building, Baltimore, Maryland.  Paroled from Point Lookout 3, 1865. 

60--days furlough from Chimborazo Hospital No. 2, Richmond, Virginia.

Nelson, Phillip.  Enlisted April, 1864.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Oles, Robert W.  Wounded at Sharpsburg and at Gettysburg.  Paroled at Staunton, Virginia May 19, 1865.

Owens, John.  wounded at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia.  Captured near Cedar Creek, Virginia October 19, 1864.  Paroled from Point Lookout June 17, 1865.

Payne, Curtis.  Gave himself up at Harper's Ferry October 12, 1863.  Was reported as "Deserter" from U.S. Army.  No further records.

Perkins, Thomas B.  Enlisted April 1864.  Captured in assault on Fort Stedman.  Released from Point Lookout June 16, 1865.

Phillips, Joseph N.  Captured near Gaines Mill May 30, 1864.  Released from Point Lookout June 20, 1865.

Phillips, Zachariah D.  wounded June 29, 1862.  Wounded severely at Wilderness May 5, 1864; left leg amputated; retired February 17, 1865.

Proffit, D.A.  Enlisted October 31, 1864.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Proffitt, Richard.  Appears on Company Muster Roll October, 1864.

Roberts, James M.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Captured in assault on Fort Stedman.  Paroled from Point Lookout May 14, 1865.

Robertson, William.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Robinson, Hugh A.  Killed at Fort Stedman.

Saunders, W.A.  Enlisted October 31, 1864.

Shipman, C.H.  Enlisted April 1864.  Died of disease December 1, 1864.

Smiley, Robert A.  Medical discharge June 10, 1862.

Spencer, Alexander Floyd.  Wounded at seven Pines and at Gettysburg.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Spencer, James H.  Wounded at Seven Pines.  Captured near Gaines Mill May 30, 1864.  Paroled from Elmira, New York June 30, 1865.

Spencer, Leonidas.  Wounded May 20, 1864.

Thurmond, William J.  Captured at Winchester, Virginia.

Tibb, William H.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Toole, James.  Prisoner of war, May 1862.

Tyree, Pizano T.  Died of fever at Richmond, Virginia hospital July 19, 1862.

Tyree, Thomas H.  Captured at Seven Pines.  Age 22.  Exchanged August 5, 1862.  Wounded severely at 1st Fredericksburg; left leg amputated, died January 15, 1863.

Vest, James A.  Captured in assault on Fort Stedman.  Released from Point Lookout June 21, 1865.

Vest, S.M.  Appears on Company Muster Roll April 30 to October 31, 1864.

Wilkerson, J.B.  Enlisted October 31, 1864.

Williams, Henry Thomas.

Wills, E.E.  Enlisted October 31, 1864.  Paroled at Appomattox.

Wills, James C.  On Regimental Returns February 1863 as "Present".

Wood, John S.  Appears on Company Muster Roll June 7, 1862 as "absent & sick since September 16, 1861".

Wood, William M.  Wounded at Sharpsburg.  Captured near Haymarket, Virginia October 18, 1863.  Released on Oath to U.S. March 15, 1864.

Woodruff, William A.  wounded at Sharpsburg.  Detailed as Courier fro General Early December 1863 to 1864.

Woody, Archie.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Killed at Sharpsburg.

Woody, Robert.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Wounded at Sharpsburg and at Gettysburg.  Appears on clothing roll November 5, 1864.

Woody, William J.  Enlisted August 15, 1861.  Wounded at Sharpsburg; Gettysburg; in the Wilderness and at Cedar Creek.

Woody, W.R.  Enlisted June 27, 1864.  Appears on clothing roll November 5, 1864.

Wright, Austin B.  On detailed service as nurse in Richmond, Virginia hospital.  Paroled at Appomattox.





Muster records of Company H show it was support for Captain Lath's Battery at Manassas, having four men wounded; arrived at Yorktown April 11, 1862, via railroad and steamboat.  At Seven Pines May 31, 1862, the Company lost 2 killed, 22 wounded and 10 missing.


On November 1, 1863 the Company "shifted camp from one mile south to four miles south of Somerville Ford and commenced to build Winter Quarters".  On November 8, 1863, it was sent with the 49th Regiment to reinforce Louisiana and North Carolina brigades which were under attack.  That night the Regiment marched southward, remained in line of battle near Stevensburg, and  marched within one mile of Somerville Ford on the Rapidan; crossed the river the next day and camped one mile south of the Ford until November 27, 1863, when they marched near Verdiersville in Orange County, Virginia.  The next day they were cannonaded by the Yankees and threw up breastworks.  From November 29 to December 2, 1863, there was much skirmishing and artillery fire between the Yankees on the East side of Mine Run and the Confederates on the West side.  The Yankees retreated during the night of December 2nd and the 49th  Regiment "pursued them and picked up a few prisoners".  The enemy recrossed the Rapidan, the Confederates gave up pursuit, on December 4th marched to within 2 miles and south of Somerville Ford, and went into winter quarters.



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