49th Virginia Infantry Regiment
(Formerly 2nd Company G)
The following regimental and company records and accounts from actual participants in Company B are direct from the following publication: "History of the Forty-Ninth Virginia Infantry C.S.A ", "Extra Billy Smith's Boys" 1861-1865; Laura Virginia Hale and Stanley S. Phillips 1981
QUANTICO GUARDS: Enlisted "for the war" July 1, 1861, at Dumfries Prince William County, Virginia, mustered July 16, 1861, and remained on duty at Dumfries all winter according to General Order No: 1 found in the papers of Brigadier General W.H.C. Whiting (National Archives), commanding the "Troops near Dumfries, Camp Fisher, September 21, 1861. Captain Nelson is appointed Provost Marshal and his company will constitute the Provost Guard, and will be charged with the police and maintenance of order in Dumfries. The Provost Marshal will confine all non-commissioned officers and privates he finds in his premises without a written pass signed by his Commanding Officer, and will...exercise the strictest vigilance in regard to the sale of spirited liquors." On March 10, 1862, the Company left Dumfries and joined the 49th Regiment at Clark's Mountain, Orange County on March 28, 1862. It became Company G (2nd) after the transfer of company G (1st) to artillery, and later company B upon the reorganization of the Regiment April 30, 0862. All enlisted by July 1, 1861 in Prince William County unless otherwise noted.
Mrs. Johnson notes at the end of her roster: "I sent this roster to J. Redman Davis, who was 1st Sergeant of this company; for corrections and additions. The casualties on the foregoing pages are in his own handwriting." Davis added the names of George W. Fairfax, Elias Ledman, John Curtis and his brother, and Alfred Clark. since the casualty data on the following roster has been supplemented from other sources, his name is added to each one that Davis wrote on Mrs. Johnson's.
Commissioned Officers:
Captain Chancellor Alexander Nelson. Born March 21, 1834. Died May 9, 1915 at Fort Scott Kansas. Wounded at Gettysburg July 1st and captured at Jack's Mountain July 5, 1863. (Davis) Released from Johnson's Island, Ohio, March 14, 1865, and paroled at Ashland, Virginia, April 28, 1865.
First Lieutenant Henry Everett Carter. Commissioned July 1, 1861, Prince William County. Resigned October 6, 1862. (Davis)
First Lieutenant William Raymond Free. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant July 1, 1861. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant October 6, 1862. Dropped from roll January 10, 1865.
Second Lieutenant Luther C. Lindsley. Enlisted as 4th Corporal July 1, 1861. Promoted 1st Sergeant October 1861. Elected 2nd Lieutenant April 22, 1862. wounded by a piece of shell at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862 and again at Gettysburg. Killed October 19, 1864 (both legs torn off by solid shot) at Belle Grove. (Cedar Creek).
Third Lieutenant Thomas James Chancellor. Appointed 5th Sergeant March 10, 1862; promoted to 1st Sergeant April 22, 1862; elected 3rd Lieutenant December 18, 1862. Wounded at Sharpsburg. (Davis) Paroled at Appomattox.
Third Lieutenant Alexander Henry Ratcliffe. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant. Died of disease at his home in Prince William County February 13, 1862 (Davis).
Non-Commissioned Officers:
Orderly Sergeant William F. McConchie. 1st Sergeant. Medical discharge October 1, 1862 with a crippled hand caused by a discharge of gun, ball passing through hand, making him unfit for active service.
First Sergeant James Redmond Davis. Promoted 5th Sergeant December 20, 1861; 2nd Sergeant in 1864. Captured near Falmouth November 24, 1862. Wounded by minie ball in arm and captured at Spotsylvania Court House (Davis) Paroled from Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, June 15, 1865.
Third Sergeant Samuel Howison. Appointed Corporal June 24, 1862; 3rd Sergeant in 1864. Wounded at Gettysburg. Wounded and captured at Winchester. Paroled from Fort Warren June 16, 1865.
Third Sergeant John Philip Brawner. Enlisted as Corporal October 1, 1861, then 3rd Sergeant. Detailed as Wagon Master February 1, 1863. Captured in Washington County, Maryland July 7, 1863. Exchanged fro Point Lookout, Maryland July 30, 1863. Paroled at Appomattox.
Fifth Sergeant William H. Simpson. Appointed Sergeant June 1, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhea January 16, 1863. Buried in Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, Virginia.
Second Sergeant Thomas H. Speake. Died from wounds received June 30, 1862, in Seven Days Battles around Richmond, Virginia.
Fifth Sergeant Annis F. Williams. Wounded May 19, 1864 at Spotsylvania (Davis) Captured in assault on Fort Steadman. Paroled at Point Lookout June 22, 1865.
Third Sergeant John W. Groves. Killed at Seven Pines. (Davis)
Fourth Sergeant Isham J. Hedges. Admitted to Lynchburg Hospital July 9, 1864.
Fourth Sergeant Wilson Davis. AWOL. Demoted to private April, 1862. Paroled at Fairfax Court House May 4, 1865.
Fifth Sergeant Lewis Carney. Enlisted as 1st Corporal July, 1861. Promoted to 5th Sergeant April 22, 1862. Wounded at Gettysburg. (Lost fingers. Davis) Captured at Dumfries, Virginia September 14, 1863. Prisoner at Point Lookout. Transferred to Elmira, New York August 18, 1864. Exchanged prisoner March 10, 1865.
Fourth Sergeant David R. Terrell. Detailed as Hospital Steward, White Sulphur Springs, Virginia February 21, 1863, and Jordan Springs August 18, 1863.
First Corporal Thomas E. Clutts (or Cator). First Corporal in 11864. Paroled at Appomattox.
Fourth Corporal Charles H. Dickison. Promoted to Fourth Corporal November 1, 1861. Died of fever February 28, 1862, Prince William County, Virginia.
Corporal John Skinner. Enlisted August 12, 1861. Appears on Muster Roll as "present" May, 1862. No further records.
Corporal James E. Ratcliffe. Wounded and captured at Seven Pines. Exchanged at Aiken's Landing, Virginia August 5, 1862. Appointed Corporal April 22, 1862 at age 20. Still alive in Washington, D.C. in 1924.
Second Corporal John Reid.
Abel or Able, George. Killed at Sharpsburg. Buried in N.E. corner of Mrs. Lucker's house-field.
Abel, John Albert. In General Hospital Number 1, May to August 1863.
Abel, John H.
Abel, William Grandison. Detailed as blacksmith January 4, 1863. Captured March 15, 1864. Sent to Old Capital Prison, Washington D.C. Transferred to Fort Delaware June, 1864. Released June 18, 1865. A.G.O. 109.
Abel, William W. AWOL December, 1861/ Reported as deserter May 3, 1864.
Allen, Jeremiah. AWOL March, 1862.
Applebee, Robert. No record after February, 1862.
Arnold, James.
Arnold, William.
Bailey, James Robert. Detailed as a teamster November 2, 1862. Captured at Cedar Creek October 19, 1864. Paroled from Point Lookout, Maryland May 12, 1865.
Barnes, John H. Medical discharge December 18, 1861.
Barnes, Thomas.
Bland, Edward. Captured at Thoroughfare Gap, Virginia, July 27, 1863. Took Oath of Allegiance to U.S. September 23, 1863.
Bland, Robert. Killed at Seven Pines.
Boswell, William. Deserted February 18, 1863.
Brawner, J. Henry.
Brawner, John Thomas. Appears on a General Hospital roll, Montgomery Springs, Virginia April 4, 1864.
Brawner, William C. Deserted November 4, 1863. Pardoned by Courts Martial December 26, 1863. G.O. Number 109-23. Wounded and captured at Spotsylvania Court House (Davis). Deserted and took Oath December 23, 1864 at Alexandria, Virginia.
Carney, Benjamin. Enlisted August 3 ,1862, Prince William County, Virginia. Deserted October 15, 1863.
Carter, Samuel C. Captured below Occoquon River, Virginia and sent to Elmira Prison July 23, 1864. Died there January 26, 1865. Grave Number 1620. (Davis says "died at Elmira December 13, 1864.")
Clark, Alfred M. Died in Richmond hospital June 10, 1862. buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.
Cornwell, Levi. Died in Richmond, Virginia July 14, 1862
Cornwell, Thomas H. On Muster Roll June 30, 1862. Born 1835 in Prince William County, Virginia. died Oakland, Maryland in 1914. (Davis marks his name off of roster, no reason given.)
Curtis, John.
Curtis, ?. (Brother to John. Can't recall name. Davis)
Curtis, William H. Died in Richmond hospital from disease July 8, 1862/
Davis, George W. wounded at Spotsylvania Court House (Davis) Paroled at Fairfax Court House May 1, 1865.
Davis, Henry P. Absent without leave April, 1862.
Davis John A. Paroled May 1, 1865. Fairfax Court House, Virginia.
Davis, J.W.
Davis, Lawrence A. Died at his home near Bacon Race Church, Virginia with typhoid fever, October 26, 1861. (Davis)
Davis, Martin V. Wounded and captured at Gettysburg July 3, 1863. Exchanged from Point Lookout, Maryland February 48, 1865. Paroled at Winchester, Virginia April 27, 1865.
Davis, Matthew. Died at his home near Bacon Race Church, Virginia of typhoid fever, December 29, 1861. (Davis)
Davis, Warren Jr. Wounded at Sharpsburg. Died at Richmond hospital November 18, 1862. (Davis says "wounded in 7 days fight; died in Richmond".)
Dean, James R. Listed on Muster Roll June 30, 1862 as "sick".
Dudley, Romino Edmund. Enlisted March 17, 1864, Prince William County, Virginia. Name appears on clothing records November 5, 1864.
Ennis, John A. Medical discharge August 1861.
Fairfax, Addison. Wounded at Bethesda Church. (Davis) Captured at Dumfries, Virginia October 1, 1864. Released from Elmira, New York May 29, 1865.
Fairfax, George W. Enlisted August 12, 1861. Paroled at Appomattox
Fairfax, J.H.
Florance, Benjamin D. Appears on Company Muster Roll December, 1863 as AWOL since October 15, 1863. He was caught in Charles County, Maryland September 13, 1864 and released on Oath of Allegiance by order of General Augur.
Florance, William. (Davis says: "Wounded at Malvern Hill by a shrapnel shot"/)
Fountain, Albert.
Fountain, James.
Fountain, John W. Killed at Seven Pines. (Davis)
Garner, George W. Wounded at Bethesda Church. (Davis) Paroled near Fairfax Court House May 1, 1865. Age 36
Garrison, David C. Detailed as teamster April 16, 1863. Discharged as a teamster, Early's Division Supply Train December 31, 1864.
Garrison, Thomas. Killed in action at Sharpsburg.
Gray, James H. Medical discharge February 18, 1862.
Gray, William H. Wounded at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862. Deserted and took Oath December 23, 1864, Washington, D.C.
Guy, Robert. Deserted Ellis Ford, Virginia February 18, 1863. Took Oath.
Hampton, William H. Enlisted September 14, 1861. Detailed hospital duty Aril 30, 1863.
Harding, Jefferson.
Harley, Thomas.
Harris, Ephraim. Transferred to Navy December 30, 1863.
Henderson, George. Enlisted February 20, 1864. Captured at Belle Plains, Virginia May 21, 1864. Joined U.S. Forces May 24, 1864.
Johnson, John A. Deserted U.S. February 21, 1863.(Davis says: "died from disease".)
Jones, Alexander. Killed at Sharpsburg. (Davis)
Jones, Charles W. Captured near Hanover Court House May, 1862.
Jones, Shirley. Buried Oak Ridge Cemetery, Prince William National Park, Virginia.
Keys, Albert H. Enlisted July 26, 1861. No further record.
Keys, James H. Killed at Sharpsburg.
Keys, Ferris (Lafarius). Killed at Seven Pines.
Kincheloe, Thomas. (Wounded, says Davis).
Kincheloe, William. (Wounded, says Davis).
King, Robert. (Transferred to cavalry, says Davis).
Ledman, Elias. Killed at Seven Pines.
Lee, R. Henry. (Died in hospital, says Davis).
Lee, William, H. Enlisted March 6, 1862. Died in Lynchburg hospital from camp fever August 7, 1862.
Love, Peter. Present on company Muster Roll December, 1863. (Killed May 19, 1864, Davis).
Loveless, William. Enlisted February 12, 1862. On Muster Roll June 30, 1862.
Maddox, William A.
Wounded at Bethesda Church. (Davis) Paroled at Fairfax Court
Grave of William A. Maddox
House, Virginia May 3, 1865.
Milstead, Coleman. Detailed as cattle driver August 13, 1863. Paroled at Fairfax Court House May 3, 1865.
Murphy, Charles W. Present at Company Muster Roll June, 1862.
Murphy, Thompson A. Wounded and captured in the mountains near Gettysburg, July 5, 1863. Paroled form Fort Delaware, July 30, 1863, and died from wounds at General Hospital, Petersburg August 18, 1863.
Nash, James V. Discharged. Not listed after August, 1861.
Norvell, Clinton. (Killed at Seven Pines, Davis).
Page, James Francis. Enlisted April 23, 1861. Paroled at Appo9mattox. Born September 1838, Amherst County, Virginia died at Salem, Virginia 1927. Received a pension.
Patterson, Andrew. Discharged. Not listed after August, 1861.
Patterson, Arrington. Wounded 2nd Manassas.
Patterson, Askew.
Patterson, Coley. Age 21. Captured at Seven Pines. Exchanged from Fort Delaware August 5, 1862.
Pearson, James. Paroled at Appomattox.
Pearson, James
Randolph. Appears on clothing roll June 15, 1864. Paroled at
Grave of James Randolph Pearson
Pearson, John F. Died of camp fever July 15, 1862.
Pettitt, George T. Captured in Prince William County, Virginia January 19, 1865. Released from Point Lookout June 16, 1865. (Davis says, "wounded May 30, at 2nd Cold Harbor.")
Pettitt, Israel Jefferson. Missing at Sharpsburg September 17, 1862. Captured Prince William County, Virginia January 19, 1865. Released from Point Lookout June 16, 1865.
Pettitt, Lewis W. Took Oath and was released by Order of Lt. Colonel Doster, October 31, 1862.
Ratcliffe, Richard N. Appears on Muster Roll April, 1862.
Reid, John Lafayette. Born Prince William County, Virginia. Died June 10, 1912. Buried Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.
Reed, Reuben C. Wounded at Spotsylvania. (May 12, 1864, says Davis)
Reed, Samuel. Listed only for January through February, 1862.
Rison, Henry.
Rison, James.
Roberts, B. Died May 31, 1864. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.
Rolls, Charles. Enlisted January 20, 1862. Missing in acdtion at Sharpsburg.
Roll, Lundy. Killed at Seven Pines. (Davis says at Gettysburg).
Sanders, Thomas. Appears on Company Muster Roll June 30, 1862.
Simpson, Kirk.
Simpson, Louis. Enlisted January 1, 1862 as substitute for R.S. Davis. wounded and captured at Gettysburg July 4, 1863. Joined U.S. service January 22, 1864 at Point Lookout. (Davis says, "never heard of after Gettysburg.")
Simpson, Samuel P. Enlisted August 13, 1861. Wounded at Gettysburg and Winchester. Paroled at Appomattox.
Simpson, Stonnell.
Sissell, William.
Sisson, James H. On Muster Roll April 30, 1862.
Smith, James W. Wounded at Winchester. paroled Fairfax Court House May 1, 1865.
Smith, John. Killed at Seven Pines. (Davis)
Stonnell, Albert.
Stonnell, John A. Detailed as Wagon Master November 3, 1862. Paroled at Alexandria, Virginia May 8, 1865.
Stonnell, R. Henry.
Sutherland, John W. Captured near Dumfries, Virginia November 21, 1864. Paroled from Elmira July 7, 1865.
Swan, Edward B. Enlisted February 24, 1862. Deserted and took Oath at Falmouth, Virginia November 24, 1862.
Tansill, Barney. Died from disease in Richmond, Virginia June 14, 1862. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.
Tavener, James H. Enlisted July 25, 1861. Wounded at Sharpsburg.
Taylor, J.G. Appears on Regimental Returns February 17, 1862 as home on furlough.
Terry, H. Died August 16, 1862. Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.
Thomas, William. Missing in action at Sharpsburg. Appears on clothing roll June, 1864.
Tyree, C.T. Appears on Regimental Returns February, 1862 as "sick in Nelson County, Virginia"
Vicheler, T.G. Captured at Seven Pines. Paroled August 5, 1862.
Waters, John W. Wounded at 2nd Fredericksburg. Captured at his home September 14, 1863. Died in prison at Point Lookout, August 11, 1864.
West, William W. Died of fever February 9, 1862.
Williams, George W. wounded and captured at Gettysburg. Released from Davids Island, New York August 24, 1863. Left arm amputated at General Hospital, Farmville, Virginia August 30, 1863. Surrendered at Fairfax Court House May 1, 1865 and paroled.
Wood, William H. Captured May 30, 1864 on Chickahominy. Exchanged March 14, 1865 from Point Lookout.
In a list of casualties of the 49th Regiment in the engagements of February 6-7, the Richmond Sentinel of February 20, 1865, includes William A. Edwards, company B as wounded severely in left arm and lung.
Muster roll records of Company B state that it left Dumfries March 8, 1862, with General Whiting's Brigade, went via Fredericksburg and Orange court House to join the 49th Regiment. March 28th at Clarks Mountain near the Rapidan Station, Virginia, thence with the Regiment to Yorktown (by railroad to Richmond, down the James to Kings Landing, thence by march to Yorktown), where it remained in close proximity to the enemy until this report was written May 4, 1862, the Company "finding ourselves encamped near Malvern Hill much reduced after sickness and the recent Battles."
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